A new word was learned by us during the first lockdown ZOOM.  Before the schools broke up for the summer we presented a puppet and magic show to a Nursery school in London.

We also performed a  puppe t show under restrictions for a family birthday.  This was followed by a successful Puppet Workshop including Punch and Judy for a school.

Filming was also achieved to send out Christmas messages for Shopping Centres and a Zoom audience with Father Christmas.

We worked with Didcot Railway Centre outdoors for their Steaming into Christmas Santa Specials.

"A huge thank you for such a wonderful show for Freddie and Elliot's party. They absolutely LOVED it and so did all the other children. It's so lovely to see them all when they properly get the giggles - plenty did. What a gift you have. Lots of people were very positive and a quite a few thought you were the best children's entertainer they had seen. Warm wishes. "

Joanna Filtter